Where to begin with Natasha Traurig? I met her a few years ago when I took a workshop with her dad, the legendary Bernie Traurig, and I’ve been following her professional riding career since. So I was incredibly excited to do a session with her and her 5-year-old gelding Zazu at her training barn, the gorgeous Caballos Del Mar in Encinitas, California.

As one of my friends eloquently stated: “The problem with Natasha is that she’s both beautiful AND an incredible rider. You shouldn’t get to be both. You should have to pick one or the other.” ?

I mean, my friend has a point. Natasha’s equitation, even over the biggest fences, is #insane and #goals. Check out this photo from ESI Photography:

Straight line elbow to bit (!!) beautifully set up to turn right, textbook perfect leg and upper body. It’s nuts. Natasha rode in her first Grand Prix at 17 years old.

So then add to that the gorgeous cheekbones she no doubt inherited from her Olympian mother Christine Traurig, and yeah, it doesn’t seem fair. ?

The handsome young Zazu was a very good boy for our shoot and was especially intrigued by the horse noises playing from my speaker!

Bareback isn’t his usual gig, but he handled it like a champ.

While I’ve seen Natasha at shows for years, I had NO IDEA she had tattoos. That’s what happens when you only see someone in riding clothes!

The tattoo on Natasha’s right wrist says “one lives to find out.” I don’t know exactly what it means, but I’m totally in!

Zazu got some well-deserved grazing time for our last few shots.

And he took advantage of the opportunity to drop bits of grass all over Natasha, with all the self-confidence of a horse who knows his mommy will love him no matter what!

Natasha’s necklace says “Zazu,” so even though she’s a professional rider & trainer, I’m betting that where Zazu is concerned, she’s 100% horse mom. ???
Drop me a note and tell me about your heart horse!