A few weeks ago I lost my Great Dane, Oakley. He was a card-carrying member of the gray muzzle club so it wasn’t completely unexpected. But when I was given a beautiful frame as a condolence gift I realized I didn’t have a great portrait of him.
Yep. I’m a professional animal photographer and I didn’t have a portrait of my own beloved dog.
Over the years I have noticed that even my clients who prioritize equine photography often do not have professional portraits of their canine best friends.
It has been my policy from the beginning and will continue to be, in honor of Oakley and my previous dog Jackson: dogs always welcome at all equine sessions at no additional charge.

- Make sure your doggo is comfortable around your horse(s) and vice versa if you intend for them to be photographed together
- Knowledge of “sit” and “stay” is helpful but not required
- Bring your dog’s favorite treat/toy – bribery often works wonders
- Just like horses, when it comes to photographs, a tired dog is a good dog – give him/her exercise before the session!

Your dog images will be included with your equine proofs as part of your package – check out this collage of Oktapus and his doggy brother Kentucky!

My story has a happy ending… Oakley had inserted himself into a branding session I did the week before he passed away, and I received the image above shortly after. Note the drool on the arm of the chair. ?